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838 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Il gioco della vita. Lettere 1904-1962

Hesse, Hermann
Il gioco della vita. Lettere 1904-1962

Hermann Hesse scrisse migliaia di lettere: a poeti e scrittori, a uomini politici e di cultura, ad amici e conoscenti, ma anche in risposta a tanti lettori che si rivolgevano a lui come a un "maestro" per ricevere pareri e consigli. Egli concepiva infatti l'attività epistolare come parte tutt'altro che secondaria nella produzione di un artista, e come vincolo tenace con le persone e il mondo. "Il gioco della vita" presenta al lettore...

CHF 37.50


Hesse, Hermann

Escrita tras las trágicas experiencias de la Gran Guerra, Demian es una de las obras más emblemáticas de Hermann Hesse (1877-1962). La novela -en la que late la repulsa de la sociedad burguesa y masificada y el llamamiento a los elegidos (los que llevan en su frente el «estigma de Caín») para conquistar la autenticidad y emprender la reconstrucción comunitaria de la humanidad- narra, como reza ...

CHF 18.50


Hesse, Hermann
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, is a tale of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Exulted from the comfort of his daily life, Siddhartha, embarks on a journey, searching for what it means to answer the call of a higher power.

CHF 24.90


Hesse, Hermann
Siddhartha is Hermann Hesse's much acclaimed allegory about Humanity's quest for enlightenment, telling the tale of an Indian youth, born a privileged Brahmin, who rejects ritual and doctrine in order to truly experience the ultimate reality - Brahman - for himself. Siddhartha's spiritual journey is one of experimentation, followed each time by dissatisfaction. From the asceticism of the Samanas to the hedonism of Säs¿ra with all its sexual de...

CHF 15.50


Hesse, Hermann
Siddhartha is a compelling and deeply philosophical novel written by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1922. This literary masterpiece explores the spiritual journey and existential quest of its titular protagonist, Siddhartha, in ancient India. Set against a backdrop of lush, mystical landscapes and steeped in Eastern spirituality, the novel offers a profound exploration of the human search for meaning and self-discovery. Siddhartha, the ce...

CHF 37.50

Erinnerung an Hans

Hesse, Hermann / Michels, Volker
Erinnerung an Hans
Um sich den Verlust besonders nahestehender Menschen erträglicher zu machen, hatte Hermann Hesse die Gewohnheit, nachdem deren Todesnachricht ihn erreicht hatte und der Schmerz am empfindlichsten war, seine Erinnerungen an die Verstorbenen aufzuzeichnen. Denn eine der wichtigsten Funktionen der Literatur war für ihn das Aufbewahren des Vergänglichen im Wort, das Heraufbeschwören des Gewesenen durch möglichst genaue Schilderung. Solche Rückblic...

CHF 21.50

CalenDarium 2025

Hesse, Hermann
CalenDarium 2025
Das handliche CalenDarium mit Hermann Hesses farbenfrohen Kleinaquarellen auf den Frontseiten bringt für das Jahr 2025 auf den Rückseiten eine Auswahl von Betrachtungen und Gedichten des Autors über das Lesen: In Prosa und mit farbigen Reproduktionen seiner Aquarelle enthält dieses CalenDarium viel von dem, was die Eigenart und den unverwechselbaren Reiz der zwölf Monate ausmacht.

CHF 10.90

Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2025

Hesse, Hermann / Michels, Volker
Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2025
Ein literarischer Begleiter durch das Jahr: Der Insel-Kalender 2025 versammelt wie jedes Jahr Gedanken, Geschichten und Gedichte Hermann Hesses über das Leben und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Mit einem Kalendarium, das Raum bietet für eigene Notizen und neben Geburtstagen wichtiger Autorinnen und Autoren auch die Mondphasen verzeichnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Übersichtskalender der Jahre 2025 und 2026, eine Tabelle der Schulferien sowie ei...

CHF 17.50


Hesse, Hermann / Michels, Volker / Michels, Volker
Das unerschöpfliche Spektrum der Liebe - selten ist es in der Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts so vielstimmig und berückend besungen worden wie in den Gedichten Hermann Hesses. »Wenn Hesse von Frauen und Eros berichtet, beginnt es zu duften und zu sprühen. Da streiten noch - wie Paul Valéry sage - Sein und Nichtsein miteinander, und der Rang, den die Geliebte einnimmt, zeichnet zugleich den Liebenden aus. Geschwisterlichkeit waltet zwischen den Gesc...

CHF 14.50


Hesse, Hermann

CHF 19.90

Kalender 2025

Hesse, Hermann
Kalender 2025
Hermann Hesses expressionistisch-farbenfrohe Aquarelle sind mittlerweile zu einem begehrten Objekt für Sammler und Kunstfreunde in aller Welt geworden. Aus dem Fundus von mehr als 2000 Bildern, in denen der Autor und Maler seine Tessiner Wahlheimat dargestellt hat, zeigt dieser Kalender dreizehn Aquarelle des Dichters sowie Betrachtungen und Gedichte über das Malen.

CHF 34.90


Hesse, Hermann
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth" is a novel by Hermann Hesse, published in 1919. It tells the story of a young man named Emil Sinclair and his coming-of-age journey in Germany at the turn of the 20th century. The novel explores themes of individualism, self-discovery, and the search for spiritual meaning. "Demian" is a complex and layered novel that explores the complexities of human nature and the struggle to find meaning an...

CHF 20.90

Demian (Premium Edition)

Hesse, Hermann
Demian (Premium Edition)
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth" is a novel by Hermann Hesse, published in 1919. It tells the story of a young man named Emil Sinclair and his coming-of-age journey in Germany at the turn of the 20th century. The novel explores themes of individualism, self-discovery, and the search for spiritual meaning. "Demian" is a complex and layered novel that explores the complexities of human nature and the struggle to find meaning an...

CHF 35.50

Siddhartha (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)

Hesse, Hermann
Siddhartha (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Siddhartha takes place in the ancient Indian kingdom of Kapilavastue and follows the spiritual journey of a man who embarks on a quest for enlightenment. Along the way he becomes a wandering beggar, a rich businessman, a lover, a Buddhist convert, and, ultimately, a wise man. Hermann Hesse's most inspirational and beloved work, Siddhartha integrates Eastern and Western spirituality, psychology, and sensibilities in a simple, moving tale that h...

CHF 15.90


Hesse, Hermann
Demian" is a novel written by the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse. Originally published in 1919, "Demian" is a coming-of-age novel that explores themes of individualism, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. The story is narrated by Emil Sinclair, a young boy growing up in Germany during the early 20th century. Sinclair experiences the challenges of adolescence and the rigid social norms of his time. His life takes a significant turn whe...

CHF 21.90

Beneath the Wheel

Hesse, Hermann
Beneath the Wheel
Hermann Hesse's "Beneath the Wheel" is a thought-provoking and moving coming-of-age tale about academic pressures and an attempt for uniqueness in a conformist society. The novel is set in a strict early twentieth-century German boarding school and follows the lives of Hans Giebenrath, a gifted student who struggles with academic demands and cultural conformity. While attempting to grow intellectually, he is dealing with the emotional and psyc...

CHF 21.50

Beneath the Wheel

Hesse, Hermann
Beneath the Wheel
Hermann Hesse's "Beneath the Wheel" is a thought-provoking and moving coming-of-age tale about academic pressures and an attempt for uniqueness in a conformist society. The novel is set in a strict early twentieth-century German boarding school and follows the lives of Hans Giebenrath, a gifted student who struggles with academic demands and cultural conformity. While attempting to grow intellectually, he is dealing with the emotional and psyc...

CHF 14.50